Vehicle protection gets better with Ghost Immobiliser

We have often seen in movies how a car can easily get stolen and many of us were unfortunate enough to experience it first-hand. Back in the day, keys were manual and a duplicate key could get you inside a locked car and once inside the car, the thieves knew how to ignite the engine and run away with the car. (Ghost Immobiliser stop cars being driven away)

Car theft is one of the leading crimes in the world. Just like buying a car is expensive, so is the insurance. With the introduction of ghost immobiliser  in the market, car companies are providing you with a two-step verification process for your vehicle. It means an individual can at least breathe in some relief with keyless theft being frequent and increasing each day.

What is a ghost immobiliser?

A ghost immobiliser is an application installed in your car that protects your car from getting stolen. It protects your car. It is similar to opening your computer with a password. It is the very first and basic step that makes your laptop useless even if it gets stolen. Just like on your computer you can admit the password opening process when you want and also disable it in situations required, a ghost immobiliser processes in a similar way.

You can input a pin code that is confidential only to you. Therefore, every time you get in your car and try to start the car engine, the ghost immobiliser will ask you to input the pin code. Now, only after you have input the data, the engine will turn on and you are good to go to your destination. So even if a thief manages to enter without any keys, the car cannot be stolen.

How is a ghost immobiliser relevant to your old car?

If you are concerned about your car or vehicle being stolen, you can now purchase a security system to gain protection from  key cloning and/or theft. Make your vehicle more secure, by having GTS Tuning fit a new AutowatchGhost Immobiliser II to your vehicle. Through a unique pin code you choose, the system prevents your vehicle from being hacked, key cloned, or hacked with a replacement key and thus preventing theft.

Now while cars that are already launched in the market a few years ago might not have ghost immobilisers inbuilt into their system, you can install it to your current car. Services to install ghost immobilisers externally are available by us across London and north of London. Our service provides the equivalent protection that the new and upcoming cars with inbuilt AI systems offer.

We offer our mobile service all across London and Greater London and you can schedule the time according to your calendar. We will be available at your location and guide you through the entire process of how to use a ghost immobiliser.

Internet key decoding devices are available in the market at a very cheap cost. Such applications help thieves to decode the pin code of your system. Therefore, services offered by the companies might be costly compared to the hacking device but it offers unique pin codes along with prevention from hacking into the system, cloning your system and hacking it with a replaced pin code.

What makes Autowatch Ghost-II CANbus Immobiliser a great choice for your car?

Autowatch Ghost-II Immobiliser is verified by TASSA, experts from the security testing domain working as a third party. An original aftermarket CANbus immobiliser that uses the door panel, steering wheel or centre console as the security button to let you change a unique protective sequence for your vehicle. This two-step verified protection has no key fobs, and you can keep your phone connected with the ghost immobiliser that lets you stay updated about the location of your car.

With the availability of ghost immobilisers in the market, the protection of personal vehicles is tightened and the main objective of ghost immobilisers is to reduce car theft in the country.

Ghost Immobiliser prevent car theft

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